OK, I am up at 5:30 writing this. Here are some more tangible prayer requests. Please see an earlier blog entry for some other requests.
1. Sleep - I am taking a sleeping pill at bedtime since Friday night. It worked the first night. Pray I get a good 7 hours rest. My mind is like a ping pong tournament with all my thoughts.
2. That the family will not get any illness in the next few months. ie: flu
3. That I would listen to Dave when he says to * spend time with the boys * go to bed *etc.
4. Great quality time with the family TODAY! To capture every waking moment with them and cherish it in each one of our hearts.
5. Encourage Dave's heart. He is holding up quite well. While kissing in bed last night, he affirmed me. He is so dear. He says he has a peace about everything. God really is GREAT! He knew what kind of husband to give me 10 1/2 years ago. Thank you Jesus.
6. I am a event planner. Yes, for those who know me well. . . . You can chuckle. Please pray that I can let some things go. Our youngest child's birthday is Monday the 20th. I so want to plan (which I already had a little) a basketball party. "I shoot ba ball outside mommy" is what he says often. I have had his presents bought for at least a month now. I think we already have someone coming over to put together the Little Tykes basketball hoop.
Thanksgiving - It is my favorite holiday. Our family has so many traditions that are special. We give genuine thanks for our year and what we are individually thankful for. We always have a bonfire and hayride in the evening. After the turkey has set in and we are in our "zone" on the couch we go back for more food- especially sweet potato pie. I am so thankful for the heritage my boys have. Flag football anyone? Someone will need to take my place this year. : )
As for Christmas - I am so torn that there are only so many hours in the day till Tuesday. I want to buy my boys (including Dave) their gifts but, I KNOW that I need to just rest and spend it with them.
7. My hair - I am contemplating what to do with my hair. Since it will be shaved a full inch back at the front hairline, I am not sure what to do. If anything.
8. Appetite - I have not eaten much lately. Please pray that I make myself eat.
9. Pray for my family.
10. My neurosurgeon - Dr. Forget (remember it's not the english word forget - which is quite funny thinking this is a brain surgeon)
11. Hospital staff
12. All that post OP stuff. I will not be able to read along with a multitude of things for some time.
I am sure the list could go on. Please pray as the Lord leads! He is bigger than all of this. As Dave and I were cuddling in bed last night we were in awe of our mighty God who chose us to go through this trial. I am not sure I consider it a great privilege but, He only gives what we can handle. He will supply ALL my needs. I laughed to think "OK God I know I am a multi tasker but, this is a huge task" Then he quietly whispered to me. I am in control. Praise God
Please email or post on this board scripture that I can claim. My oldest child along with the rest of us need to highlight in our Bibles.
much love - the planner extrodinare - Kate
Psalm 131
O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty;
Nor do I involve myself in great matters,
Or in things too difficult for me.
Surely I have composed and quieted my soul;
Like a weaned child rests against his mother,
My soul is like a weaned child within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord
From this time forth and forever.
And another... this was so precious to my Papa and I as we waited for Mama to get out of her mastectomy...
2 Corinthians 1.2-5
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort; who comforts us inall our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
For just as the sufferings of Christ are our in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.
It seems like only yesterday(its been almost 4 years) that I sat in the emergency room with Becky and heard the doctor say that emergency neuro surgery was needed immediately. I can't explain but you and your family know the weakness of knees and the feeling in the pit of your stomach. As you know everything turned out fine and I'm sure a mover and a shaker like you will soon have this in your rear view mirror.
After reading your blog I am announcing a special Thanksgiving feast some time early next year when you are recovered. Since it may be very cold I will set about making a cover for the hay wagon and cut a couple of trees for an extra large bon fire. We'll break out the snow shoes and have a great time. You will, however, have to talk to you mom and aunt Linda about that sweet potato pie.
Love and blessings from Ebenezer
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