Monday, October 22, 2007

Scan to be Sooner?

I am most likely going to have an MRI sooner than Tuesday, November 13. I have had some intermittent aches on the LEFT side (totally not the side of the tumor and not in the line of the RT last winter). They have been here for a few days. The aches are not like the ones I had last year prior to the brain cancer diagnosis. That was intense pain! I told the nurse that I didn't think these aches would merit a scan sooner than the November one. She said Dr. Needles cannot explain a pain without some sort of picture. That's a fair response. I just wanted to know if nerves could be affected in this area as well? Better be safe than sorry as I am not the doctor. For the record I haven't noticed one today. Maybe it is sleep related?

I am waiting to hear from the nurse as to if St. John's was able to retrieve the April MRI from Siteman / Wash U. Dr. Needles wanted some more scans to be able to compare the "questionably minimally increased white matter" from the September scan. After hearing from her I will make my appointment. My next MRI will most likely be on a Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Praying and thinking about you Kate. I loved what the nurse told you that "the doctor can't explain pain without a picture." If for anything else it will be peace of mind and you won't have to wait another two weeks for the results. I can only imagine how "worrisome" or "painful to the heart" this new pain is. Know you are being thought of and prayed for by thousands of people- power of prayer works! Take care and update us when you can.
Cousin hugs,
Danielle, Rick, Sebastian, Arwen

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,

I'm praying...keep me posted.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you, too.

Sue Stark

Anonymous said...

You are still in our prayers and thoughts often, too. God will give you peace and comfort. Praying the pain will go away and you will have positve answers!
April C.