Sunday, June 15, 2008

Daddy Day

Happy Father's
Daddy Dave
Hope you had time to honor a great dad this day.


Anonymous said...

I thought of how soccer Gram was holding up this being her first father's day without her beloved daddy. Hope every father had a great day and were reminded on how thankful we are for the fathers and what they do day in and day out! Take care and God Bless

You all continue to be in my heart, thoughts, and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for thinking of soccer Gram. She is doing well on her birthday(yes it is today!)- minus grandpa (her dad).


Anonymous said...

Hey, Kate...thought of you this Sunday celebrating with your men. Thought of your mom, too... Looks like I wasn't the only one. W/ Dad having so much illness this year, I've treasured every moment with him...and found myself lingering on his face when filming w/ the camcorder this Father's Day...wondering...thinking... No one but the Father numbers our days. Pray he's numbered Dads in our lives...mine, yours, Isaac & Elijah's, Carter, Cole & Stuarts to be MANY and BLESSED to the full. Sending hugs to you tonight. Need to dechlorinate from the pool (and salve my aching burnt you know anyone but ME who is a-pigmented enough to actually get a SUNBURN from 5:15 to 7:05pm with a TWO-layer slathering-on of SPF 30?...Perhaps I should just dunk myself in zinc oxide next time. I might get some funny looks, though...Hmmmm: will have to weigh which holds the more harm: horrified and confused stares of strangers OR scorched skin). Now THAT was quite a tangent I got on, huh? So...anyhoo...whatEVER. Laura Joback (as IF)