Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Driving Test

Tomorrow morning (Thursday) at nine I have a 3 hour mandatory driving test at rehab. The test is for patients who will officially drive after being in therapy once the doctor signs off. Lots will be involved. From my understanding I will have the opportunity to be on the road in a "tester" car that has dual brakes. WHEW - A! I so want to take the instructor for a joy ride. Hmmmmm, except I want to pass. No go on the joy ride.

Fun Fact: In my high school years I had a 4x4 Mazda blue truck (no radio just a portable one with a cassette player) that was alot of fun in the snow (remember Gina?)and a river ravine. Shhh!


I will try to find time to keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Praying your test goes well today!!! Danielle

Anonymous said...

God Be With You Girl! I know He was with us in the those snows and ravines as crazy kids! Hey at least you have upgraded from being a truck driving fool! Personally I think we were trend setters in our trucks!

Love ya!