After just writing the soccer season post at 7:40ish Dave realized that I forgot the Trader Joes groceries from 2:00. You see I went to Sam's, the mall (shoes for Cole) and Trader Joes today after the soccer game. I had two gallons of milk from T.J's in the trunk of the car. I came home and emptied the dry goods from Sam's and Coles shoes forgetting about the groceries in the trunk. After a good nap and Dave cleaning house he realized we didn't see any Trader Joe's bags in the kitchen. We ran to the garage. Ho hum. After dinner I went to Trader Joe's to purchase new milk for our family. This is disheartning for Dave and I. I am taking it pretty hard. I am frustrated that I didn't remember the groceries. I forgot to put away cold groceries in the house last Tuesday. I was in such a hurry to get out the door after Stuart was dropped off with carpool that I totally forgot the cold stuff. Two hours later I realized this accident. Go figure on Wednesday at the mall I left my keys in the car after getting Carter and Cole a special lunch from Chick Fil A for school. Yes, keys in car happen to most of us... Yet it is just the topping on the cake for me.
Also an update on my eyes. On Friday I had my yearly exam. After testing my field of vision. It showed that each eye has difficulty seeing in the upper left quadraint area. More on the left eye. The doctor suggested that there could be a problem with the right temporal lobe. I explained my second surgery in December taking ALL of my anterior right frontal lobe(forgot all about the left sided paralysis...oops thank you, Dave). He said that the surgery could be part of this issue as he wasn't sure how close the temporal lobe is to the frontal. He also said not to worry since I am having regular MRI's. I will be in contact with my neurosurgeon, Dr. Forget to send surgical notes to the eye doc.
Please pray for my forgetfulness and eyes. The Lord is faithful.
." THE LORD, HE is the ONE who goes before us, He will be with us. He will not leave us nor forsake we do not fear nor be dismayed" Deut. 31:8
OK...yeah...I KNOW I just wrote something on the "soccer" post, but (of course) I had to say something here, too... Kate knows me...knows it's kind of a "given," and forgives the verbosity. I LOVED the verse you chose for your post, Kate, about God going before us. It triggered me to remember God going before the Israelites in a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day to "lead them on the way." Then it says (Ex 13) that "He DID NOT TAKE AWAY the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people." Constant guidance, watchful eyes, tender-hearted protection COVER your way, as it did theirs so long ago. Then when the Egyptians came chasing behind, the angel of God, who had been going BEFORE the camp of Israel, moved and went BEHIND them & with the angel moved the pillar of cloud from BEFORE to BEHIND. "So it came BETWEEN the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel." (Ex 14) Ain't that somethin'? Led from afore and protected and from behind, a virtual hedge between God's people and danger. So there you rest, Kate, hemmed in fore and aft. A good place to be. We love you (still). Jobacks out.
If it is any consolation, I have also done that (forgetting to get cold groceries out of the car), and the other day Larry took the ice cream out of the freezer while looking for something, set it on top of the freezer, and forgot about it. Ice cream mush a few hours later. (NOT to take away from your angst, just to say, take heart, you are AMAZING to be doing all you are!)
With love,(& still praying!),
I echo Ericka. I cannot tell you how many times I have forgotten groceries in the car, but I am so cheap I don't throw them away unless it is beyond doubt that they are spoiled. I had about 15 pounds of meat that thawed out in my trunk and I just stuck it in the freezer and no one got sick! Of course it would frustrate you since you didn't use to be that way, but I think society as a whole is becoming more "forgetful" simply because we are donig WAYY too much!
Hi Kate,
I finally had a chance to catch up on your blog. I haven't seen much of you lately & after reading your entries, I can tell how busy you are! No wonder you are forgetting simple things. With such a hectic schedule, it's amazing you accomplish as much as you do. If it is any consolation, I once was leaving a friend's house with Nathaniel on my hip & frantically began looking around for him. My friends all got a good laugh as they reminded me I was holding him! I know things may seem difficult, but for what it is worth we are all forgetful mom's. Hang in there! As long as you know where everyone is at the end of the day, then everything else is just gravy. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. You truly are a busy soccer/basketball/carpooling/ house-cleaning/cooking/ entertaining mom of 3! I am amazed by all you do.
Dawn K.
Sweet Kate-
I missed you today at the opening day of biblestudy at EFree. I know you are in a good place in CBS but that doesn't stop of from missing your face on Tuesday mornings. Mary Jo Keith (from Heaven- sweet lady, beautiful white hair) frequently asks about you and wants updates.
I too am in the "forgot the groceries in the trunk club." It makes me feel like a knit wit but there is a lot to manage being the mom to three boys. As much as you can- laugh at yourself. It is also a great way to relate to your boys as they might be hard on themselves for forgetting something someday. Remember the time mom forgot the milk in trunk? There is grace for you. I think you rock.
A fellow knit wit in Christ-
Elizabeth Ward
I thought I was the only one who forgot groceries. Just 6 months ago I went out for groceries actually by myself. My husband and I started to put them away together and I notice I was missing a few things. After searching the trunk and under the seat, there still were no groceries! My sweet husband took off with my receipt to the grocery store thinking I must have left a bag. He came back with 6 bags. I left six bags at the store and didn't realize it in all the confusion! It is amazing we do the shopping, put it away and cook the meals, over and over again! You are doing great kate! :)
Kate, I know you are concerned about when you forget things, or get things out of order, or whatever. We all do it, but you do so with more fear than the rest of us. I am praying for a good day of rememberings, and a good day of memories. It sounds like you are doing what you need to do to keep the boys' activities going on schedule. That is an huge endeavor, with three, and Dave. Praying for your eyesight and memory.
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