Thought you might enjoy some pics taken recently. The one of Carter made Dave and I laugh so hard. I was reading with Cole on the couch this past weekend when Carter suddenly came up to me and said hello in a girly voice. Laughter was the best medicine for that long 15 minutes. He had gone downstairs to find my quilted jacket that I put away for the summer. He then proceeded to find my sunglasses along with my cell phone in my purse. The plus is that he found a polka dot headband to accessorize with. Dave told Carter that he looked like mommy on a shopping excursion at the mall (minus the camos). It was sooooo funny to see him giggle while Dave and I were rolling in our laughter. Cole joined in the fun by pretending to put on some lipstick with the Big Mama sunglasses.
Ohh isn't Stuart just something you want to eat up? He is so adorable if I do say so myself. Major sugars!
As for my testimony today it went well. Yes, I cried at the part where the median life expectancy is 4 years plus the prayer request on living to see my grandchildren. They asked for some pictures of the boys to insert in the video segment. I can't wait to send in some great ones. I would like to know who doesn't cry when giving their story of how God has been working?
Praise God!!! we were so excited to get the news yesterday we just keep on praising God over and over for this one!
the boys are so adorable. and yes i just want to eat up stu's cute little chubby cheeks. yum, yum. :)
love ya,
As an old friend would say, yesterday was a good day. I spent the morning with little Stuart and he and I watched a movie, "Facing the Giants." I don't cry very often at movies, but I did this one. Stuart literally spent the morning smiling at me. And on occassion he would pat my arm gently and say "Gamma is here" I think Stu will be a football player for sure. He is transfixed by football.
I hadn't realized that the lack of sleep, Kate's MRI and stress of a house sale in real estate lead to exhaustion on Wednesday. After I left St. Louis County and drove to Washington I pulled the car into the garage of Great Grandpa's house. I turned off the car and put my head back for a moment and fell fast asleep. Twenty minutes later Grandpa was knocking on the car window thinking I had a heart attack or something. Never in my life have I fallen asleep in the car. The news of the MRI was great. And the house sale took place today. And I did get a good nights sleep last night. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Gram ready to throw footballs to Stu. Keep smiling in life Stuart my boy!
We are praising God and rejoyicing over your good news. You have been such a Blessing to Wally and I. We read your blog every morning - I print it out for Wally every day. - and was waiting for comments to yesterday to add our greetings to you. Thank You for sharing this part of your life with us. I go in Tuesday for my 1st of my yearly scopes - praying for an all-clear, too
Gram's friend, Lela
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