1. Cole had a baseball game in the evening at 6 pm. Did not win the game but he sure is a great first baseman. Very proud! When he batted and was on first base you should have seen how he spoke to the other teams first baseman to kinda move out of the way so he had a clear run to second base. He was moving him over with his hand and stretching his legs to get ready. Quite amusing. I think I even got it on video.
2. Dave had a softball game at 6 pm as well. The boys and I had hoped to get a picnic dinner and watch his game. Unfortunately his team didn't win. They had some fast innings. We weren't able to see him play. It wasn't one of his better games. No triples this time.
1. Carter had two baseball games back to back (double header) in the morning. He played the best I have seen him play. His pants showed how aggressive he was in the infield. Dirty, dirty, dirty. Carter usually plays shortstop or pitcher position. It is a machine pitch league. They lost the first game and won the second.
2. In the evening Carter & I went to the Cardinals game. Dave's company have tickets that they give out and Dave won two for Saturday evening prior to Carter's birthday. We gave him the tickets as one of his birthday gifts. Free is always good. Carter chose me to be his companion. I was quite surprised as Daddy is usually the one that attends the sporting events if only two tickets are available. To find out later on the ride home . . . I was chosen because Carter knew I would stay till the end of the game. Dave doesn't like to deal with traffic so he usually leaves around the eighth inning. Another reason why he chose me (which he told Daddy while he was being tucked in) was that I would buy him Mr. Pibb. Dave laughed when he told me this and said "I guess Carter knows you are a softy." I guess I am. I figure when you are at the ballgame why not have some fun? I stuck with the grilled chicken sandwich and water. BTW the seats were only about 6 rows back from the field.
1. Church - As always it is good to be in fellowship with other believers.
2. Went tadpole hunting with great friends at a local park. We call it the rock park. Stuart was right in there enjoying the murky water. The tadpoles were in a deeper area so it was difficult to catch them. It was too bad for the tadpoles were huge bullfrog variety. The boys ended up with some crawdads and baby frogs. Meegan, Madeline and Sarah Elizabeth were happy to be with the "hunters". Last year Meegan caught a big tadpole while she was staying with us. We put it on the back patio so she could take it to school to show everyone. Low and behold the tadpole was not alive in the morning. A night scavenger thought it was a tasty treat. Only pieces of the tadpole were left in the bucket. Tasty! Yuck!
Tomorrow is my MRI at 9:30. Pray for me to be at peace / not to be anxious in the scanning tube. Also for me to have some good time with the Lord. The older boys will be at Vacation Bible School this week. Wednesday is when the results will be made known to me.
I'm praying for you! For a "cold" MRI result and all that jazz!
Praying for you.....trusting in the Lord and lifting you up to the Father-
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Love in Him, Jen Peskorse
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